
Fast Forward Launches Blog

16 October 2012

We are Fast Forward – the national health and wellbeing charity working with Young People.

This blog will fill you in on all the ongoing developments of our programmes.

We have a range of projects currently running at Fast Forward, some run solely by us such as our Edinburgh Team and our BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) Project, Mission Possible.  Others are run in partnership; SMARTER is a joint project with leading learning disabilities charity Enable Scotland, we also run the No Knives, Better Lives peer education project.  Fast Forward hosts the Scottish Peer Education Network, bringing together organisations who use peer education all across Scotland.

Fast Forward is a voluntary organisation promoting health by, with and for young people, focusing on the prevention of alcohol, drug and tobacco misuse.  We have a solid volunteer base who support us in delivering services and creating resources whilst also informing us of the needs of the young people they work with.