Guidance on Developing Tobacco Policy for Youth Organisation
30 September 2013
Recently Chiara and I recently attended the launch of the ASH Scotland and NHS Greater Glasgow Smokefree Services guidance on developing tobacco policies for organisations working with young people.
Young People from the Youth Commission on Smoking Prevention have a go at our handcuff challenge.
It was a really great event and we met lots of youth groups from the Greater Glasgow area and beyond. We had a stand to share Fast Forward’s publications and services and our ‘tar in the jar’ and giant cigarette were really popular. It was lovely to see stands from Young Scot, Urban Fox, Ash Scotland and many more.
Below is more information on the guide that was launched and where you can access a copy.
ASH Scotland and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Smokefree Services have developed a tobacco policy support guide for organisations, groups and youth workers that work with young people in community settings.
Organisations that are involved in improving the lives of young people need to recognise that having an effective tobacco policy that actively promotes healthy behaviour is vital when considering the health and well-being of the young people that they work with. The guide encourages and supports organisations to extend their tobacco policies beyond simply stating where staff and young people can and cannot not smoke and instead focus on protecting and promoting the health and wellbeing of staff and young people.
The guide has been informed by consultation with third sector youth organisations across the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde area. It makes suggestions for developing tobacco policies that support health promoting youth work settings whilst recognising that not all policy development ideas and options may be suitable or viable for all circumstances. The tobacco policy support guide aims to accommodate different experiences and circumstances by supporting individual policy development rather prescribing a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
The tobacco policy support guide is available to download from the ASH Scotland website at . Alternatively, you can request a hard copy from Donald Lockhart, Inequalities Development Officer via or 0131 225 4725.