Start a Good Conversation with Fast Forward
29 October 2020
Fast Forward has secured a National Lottery award from The National Lottery Community Fund for our Good Conversations pilot.
We will pilot support for parents & carers enabling them to become more comfortable, and confident, in having what they perceive as difficult conversations with their children.
The pilot will draw on our significant experience in working with young people, and those who support them, around making positive informed choices regarding risk-taking behaviours; building on our Ask Dad More programme, and adding to support we offer to parents & carers.
This work will have a particular focus on talking about actual or potential risk-taking behaviours by either the children their parents / carers, and will result in the development of a resource to support other parents & carers, based on the real-life experiences of both parents& carers and young people, including;
– pornography, sex & consent
– death & grief
– gambling & gaming
– substance misuse
– tobacco & vaping
We will also involve young people, drawing on their experience of conversations with their parents / carers, eliciting how they would like the adults in their lives to speak to them in meaningful way, for everyone involved.
The National Lottery Community Fund, Scotland Chair, Kate Still: said: “In these uncertain times our priority is to ensure that National Lottery money continues to flow to charities, voluntary sector organisations and grassroots groups. I would like to congratulate Fast Forward on their award, theirs is an important project and will support people now and in the future when they can physically come back together to make great things happen in their community.”