The Scottish Peer Education Network

16 October 2012

Hello there.  Rona from the Scottish Peer Education Network (SPEN) here.  SPEN is established to promote and support peer education across Scotland.  We have around 120 groups across the country who all use peer education to promote the work they do.

“But what is peer education?”, I hear you ask.  Peer education involves recruiting and training young people to deliver information to other young people.  It works well, particularly for dealing with sensitive subjects, as it allows young people to work directly with their peers in a lively, interactive and informal manner to explore the issues of the subject.

SPEN meets quarterly to talk about developments within the sector, examine about funding, awards and  resource developments and share good practice.  If you’re interested, drop us a line and join us.  Contact me through the SPEN website  We also have a Facebook and Twitter with all our goings on so take a look!

Have you used peer education?  Think it might be suitable for your youth group?  Drop me a comment here.